
Reviews by Publisher

1889 Labs
Dark Heart Forever - by Lee Monroe

3L Publishing
Brea & The City of Plastic (California Girl Chronicles #1) - by Michelle Gamble-Risley

Accent Press
Bloody Valentine (Quick Reads 2011) - by James Patterson
Trouble on the Heath (Quick Reads 2011) - by Terry Jones

Atlantic Books
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress - by Rhoda Janzen

Atom Books
Nightshade (Nightshade #1) - by Andrea Cremer

Writers' & Artists' Yearbook 2013

I Don't Have Time to Write - by Nadine Hill

Choc Lit
Please Don't Stop the Music - by Jane Lovering

Editora Abril (Brazil) 
Por Que Você é Assim [Why You're Like That] - by Otavio Cohen

Egmont UK
The Little Prince - by Antoine De Saint-Exupéry

Harper Collins
Darkest Mercy (Wicked Lovely #5) - by Melissa Marr
Exile (Mercy #2) - by Rebecca Lim
I'm Number Four (The Lorien Legacies #1) - by Pittacus Lore
Muse (Mercy #3) - by Rebecca Lim

Hodder Children's Books
Typhoon (Dustrunners #1) - by MCM

Independently Published
Bad Spirits (Books 1-5) - by D.V. Berkom
Fear of Landing: You Fly Like a Woman - by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley
Foreign Identity - by Becca J. Campbell
Gladius and The Bartlett Trial - by J.A. Paul
Henrietta Sharp and the Magic Lunch Box - by Jan Welborn-Nichols
No One Knows You're Here - by Rachel Howzell
Patrick Patterson and the World of Others (#1) - by James Fryar
Red Deception - by J.C. Murtagh
Sábado a Noite (Saturday Nights #1) - by Babi Dewet
Settling (Solid #2) - by Shelley Workinger
Solid (Solid #1) - by Shelley Workinger
The Blasphemer - by John Ling
The Heritage - by Johnny Ray
The Hunger But Mainly Death Games: A Parody - by Bratniss Everclean
The Jonas Trust Deception - by AFN Clarke (Thomas Gunn Thriller #2)

Macmillan Publishers
A Dark Anatomy (A Cragg & Fidelis Mystery #1) - by Robin Blake

OUP - Oxford University Press
15 Days Without a Head - by Dave Cousins
Finding Sky - by Joss Stirling
Firelight (Firelight #1) - by Sophie Jordan
Mortal Chaos - by Matt Dickinson
Stealing Phoenix - by Joss Stirling

Matched (Matched #1) - by Ally Condie

Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #3) - by Maggie Stiefvater

Simon & Schuster
City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments #4) - by Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices #2) - by Cassandra Clare
Hush Hush (Hush Hush #1) - by Becca Fitzpatrick
The Replacement - by Brenna Yovanoff

The Red Telephone
Calling for Angels - by Alex Smith porn movies sex videos hd porno video