
Work With Me


I am unable to accept any requests at this moment in time. It's just for a little while while I catch up. I'm a very lucky girl and have received many request recently, which I have not managed to reply to. Keep and eye on this page, this lockdown will change soon.

If you sent me a request a while back and I have not replied... I'm not ignoring you. I have literally been snowed under with personal and academic commitments. But I will get back to you as soon as possible even if it's to say I cannot do it.

Email me at: [email protected] using REVIEW REQUEST - Name of the Book as the subject or email title. That would make it easier for me to find our past conversations.


I love reading but I'm not a professional reviewer, although I do intend to become one. All the opinions expressed in this blog are my own, unless otherwise stated, and I source most of my information online. 

I am always glad to receive ARCs and books - preferably hard copies, although ebooks are equally welcomed - from publishers, authors and publicists. I also try to give Independent authors an equal space. I will give an indication of when I hope to review the book, but these are just guide lines and I do prioritize release dates if the book is yet to be released.

The receiving of reading material does not in any shape or form influence my review or signify an exchange of favours. Although I do not like to shred a book to pieces and try to be as objective as possible, my opinion is always honest and if I don't enjoy it I will say it in the nicest possible way. 


I love YA, Paranormal Romance, Romance and Crime Fiction, however, I am open to other genres in a case-by-case basis. If you don't ask, you won't get. Anything with a hint of romance usually gets me interested. I am a girl after all!  

If I say NO to a review request, it is not because I did not think the book was good enough, but because I was afraid the fact I don't particularly like the genre might result in a bias review. I can only be objective up to a point! If I don't enjoy Earl Grey Tea and I have to drink it, it will be a little hard to come up with something better than a sour face and "It tastes OK."

  • A Picture of the cover - the cover will also feature on my "Currently Reading" section while I'm reading it and on 'Currently Reading' on Goodreads - where I update my progress as I'm reading.
  • Release dates if applicable
  • Name of the Publisher including a link if the Publisher is a partner (see more info below)
  • Name of the Author 
  • Synopsis of the book - taken from the book's back cover, Goodreads or a short description by me, whichever suits the review best.
  • My review - comments on characters, plot, emotional connection, author's writing style and prose as well as what I liked or disliked. While I try to cover all these I don't necessarily cover every single one every time. Again, I try to be as objective as possible and word my comments in an inoffensive way as I do respect the fact that a book is somebody's hard work rather I like it or not. However, I will give my honest opinion.
  • Rating - I use a star system:    
 = Didn't like it

= It's OK


= Liked it

= Would read it again

= It's amazing!!! 

  • Out of Curiosity/Teaser: If there is something interesting about the author or book I think is worth mentioning, I will add a little footnote called 'Out of Curiosity', otherwise I will give a little teaser from the book under 'My Favourite Scene'. These tend to be a kiss or a funny moment done in such a way as not to spoil the book and they are always short. 


  • Within the blog - Under the 'Book Reviews' page you will find all the books I've reviewed listed by genre, alphabetically by author, title and publisher. It also shows the meaning of the rating system above.
  • In other websites - Ratings, a brief comment and a link to the full review are added on Goodreads as well as posting the full review, albeit slightly different, on Waterstones and Amazon if the book is listed with them.


If I am added to a publisher's bloggers list and receive ARCs, books or promotional material on regular basis, I do list the said publisher on my 'Publishers' column with a link to their website. This column appears on every page throughout the blog.

I also try to add a link in every review or article written about any of their books or material. And I will write articles about any events or launches I attend. 


If you find the information I have used is wrong or incorrect, or you would like me to update or change any details like addresses or phone numbers, or if you are at all unhappy with anything, please just drop me an email and I will do my best to resolve the matter. The only thing I will not compromise on is the integrity and honesty of my reviews, but I am open and glad to receive any feedback on the blog and on my writing. porn movies sex videos hd porno video