
Monday, 15 September 2014

Music Monday ~ Goddess by Banks

American singer-songwriter Banks was nominated the new cool kid on the block by both the BBC and MTV. Personally, I just love her sexy and angry "up yours", somewhat feminist, somewhat smoking hot sound. And that base... Come on!!! How could a girl that loves a good base resist?

When I heard this song the first time, I had to forward it to all my girl friends for a little bit of girl power (sorry boys!). They probably thought I was having a "Paula moment" (random outbursts of random information you might not understand the first time you hear it). I might get them all Banks' album Goddess for Christmas. :)

I hope you love it as much as I do. The lyrics are below, just in case trying to read the lyrics on the video gives you motion sickness like it did me.

Happy Monday my ladies!!

LYRICS... *contain swearing*

by Banks

She gave it all
You gave her shit
She could've done
just anything 
or anyone
Cause she's a goddess
You never got this

You put her down
You liked her hopeless
to walk around feeling unnoticed
You should've crowned her
Cause she's a goddess
You never got this

Now you gotta deal with this glitch on your shoulder
Fuckin' with a goddess and you get a little colder.
Yes, colder, colder
Fuckin' with a goddess and you get a little colder

Finally surfaced 
above the downs
Feeling her boldest,
she came around
Cause she's a goddess 
Finally saw this

And now you're back
trying to claim her,
cause she is gone
and now without her
you are alone
Cause she's a goddess
You should've saw this

Now you gotta deal with this glitch on your shoulder
Fuckin' with a goddess and you get a little colder.
Yes, colder, colder
Fuckin' with a goddess and you get a little colder


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