If you love to read, chances are, you'll have come across a book that provokes you, makes you think, makes you happy, angry, sad, elicits your sympathy... A book that has marked your life in one way or another. This is what #THISBOOK celebrates, as well as the achievement of women in fiction writing.
#THISBOOK is a conversation on Twitter and, as I wanted to take part in it, I sat here trying to think of what book written by a woman changed my life. I managed to narrow it down to two. I know, I know... It's meant to be only one but, like any woman, I'm a complicated and multifaceted nutcase. This is what you get with creative people, untamed vision and an unwillingness to conform at times!!

Moving on... My second choice breaks all the rules (sorry!), it's not
written by a woman and it tailgates the one above, but it has made me think of society as a whole; the
way we function and what we consider important. Under such heavy
subject, it might come as a surprise to you that this book is considered
a children's book - The Little Prince by Saint-Exupéry. You can read my full review of it here.
Now, this is not just a very thought-provoking book, if you know how to
read in between the lines, but also a piece of pure writing genius as
it's written in two layers. The first one is child friendly and you
could read it as a bedtime adventure to your children. The second, in between the lines,
slaps you in the face as an adult. The best way I can explain it is the
way I wrote about it on a stylistic essay for Uni:

So there you are, these are the two books (one following the rule and one not) that changed my life. What is yours? Tell us all about it commenting below.
If you are on Twitter, you can also join the conversation by using the hashtag #THISBOOK.
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