
Monday, 9 June 2014

Music Monday ~ Translation of Todo Mundo by Gaby Amarantos & Monobloco

So the World Cup is around the corner and, despite not really agreeing with the huge amount of money spent on it, I will give in to the football mania for a matter of national pride and indeed parade the beautiful Brazilian flag on all my windows! :)

If you are wondering why people in Brazil are protesting against the World Cup, it's simple. While Brazil is spending more than the cost of the last 3 World Cups put together on its peacock display, the cases of relatives holding their elderly family members in their arms in hospital waiting rooms and pregnant women giving birth in the waiting areas of overloaded maternity units are becoming the norm in our overloaded public health system. Don't even get me started on the educational system, corruption or violence! In case you don't know how much money the amount above is, Japan and South Korea spent 5 billion dollars on the 2002 World Cup, Germany 6 billion on the 2006 games, and South Africa 4 billion on the 2010 festivities. Brazil has so far spent 16 billion dollars, an investment much needed elsewhere. My advice, if you are traveling to Brazil, is don't get ill or have any accidents. You might never make it to the top of the queue in a public hospital.

I know this sounds awful. But don't be mistaken, I love my country, I really do. It just makes me sad that, like they say, "men in denim build the land, men in suits destroy it." Brazil is a wonderful and warm country full of warm people who are happy-go-lucky despite the unfairness of life. If you have the chance to experience the real Brazil, you will fall in love not only with the country itself, but with its fun-loving people too. You can read more about my beautiful country here, including some places worth visiting.

On a happier note, FIFA released the official soundtrack for the World Cup 2014 a while ago, but if I am honest, despite pulling some big names out of the bag, none of the tracks sound really Brazilian to me. In fact, a lot of them seem to be sung in Spanish, which is not our language by the way. So when I was looking for a World Cup 2014 song, I found that the tune that most made me feel like I was back home was actually the Coca Cola's official Brazilian song for the games. A little sad, I know; but I have always admired Coca Cola's marketing power and market placement knowledge. They surely seem to understand Brazilian Culture more than FIFA!

So enjoy and I hope the Brazilian warmth finds you wherever you are today. :)

Happy Monday!!! 


by Gaby Amarantos & Monobloco

Vem que vai começar / Come, it's starting
O mundo num só lugar / The whole world is in one place
Cada canto do meu país / Every corner of my country
Tem sede de ser feliz / It's hungry for happiness
E o som da batida na palma da mão / The sound of the beat is in our hands
E a voz da torcida é a voz da nação / The fans' voices are the voices of a nation
Eu quero gol. / I want goals
Vamos gritar é gol, é gol!!! / We will shout, goal, goal!!!

Vamos espalhar felicidade / Let's spread happiness
É a copa de todo mundo / The Wold Cup is for everyone
Vamos juntar o mundo todo / Let's get the whole world together
pra batucar, pra batucar. / To play the drums, to play the drums

Juntos vamos fazer / Together we will make
O sonho acontecer / The dream come true
Seja em qualquer lugar / Be it wherever
A galera vai cantar. / Everyone will sing

E o som da batida na palma da mão / The sound of the beat is in our hands
E a voz da torcida é a voz da nação / The fans' voices are the voices of a nation
Eu quero gol. / I want goals
Vamos gritar é gol, é gol, é gol!!! / We will shout, goal, goal!!!

E a galera gritando, / And everyone shouting
É gol, é gol, é gol!!! / Goal, goal, goal!!!

Vamos espalhar felicidade / Let's spread happiness
É a copa de todo mundo / The Wold Cup is for everyone
Vamos juntar o mundo todo / Let's get the whole world together
pra batucar, pra batucar. / To play the drums, to play the drums

Eu sou da torcida, da felicidade / I am one of the fans, part of the happiness
Faço desse sonho a realidade / Making the dream a reality
Mundo inteiro dando um show / The whole world is putting on the show
Vamos num só ritmo / Let's all go in the same rhythm
Eu quero é raça, / I want tenacity
Eu quero é a galera gritando / I want everyone shouting
Eu quero gol. / I want goals

E a galera grita gol!!! / And everyone shouts goal!!!
É a copa de todo mundo / The Wold Cup is for everyone
Vamos espalhar felicidade / Let's spread happiness
É a copa de todo mundo / The Wold Cup is for everyone
[Eu quero gol, eu quero gol!!!] / [I want goals, I want goals!!!]
Vamos espalhar felicidade / Let's spread happiness
É a copa de todo mundo / The Wold Cup is for everyone
Vamos juntar o mundo todo / Let's get the whole world together
[E a galera grita gol!!!] / [And everyone shouts goal!!!]
Vamos espalhar felicidade / Let's spread happiness
É a copa de todo mundo / The Wold Cup is for everyone
Vamos juntar o mundo todo pra batucar / Let's get the whole world together to play the drums
[Vamos celebrar, vamos celebrar] / [Let's celebrate, let's celebrate]
Vamos espalhar felicidade / Let's spread happiness
É a copa de todo mundo [Eu quero gol] / The Wold Cup is for everyone [I want goals]
Vamos juntar o mundo todo / Let's get the whole world together
Eu quero gol!!!  / I want goals!!!

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