
Monday, 23 June 2014

Music Monday ~ Slave by Jakwob

The man behind Ellie Goulding's hugely successful Starry Eyed, British music producer Jakwob is better known for his work with other artists, but he also produces his own music. Some people are just born with a talent and this certainly seems to be his case. He started playing music when he was only 10 years-old and now, he not only produces music and works with an array of other artists, but he also owns his own record label - Boom Ting Recordings, worth checking if you like something edgy and cool.

His new song, the summer tune Somebody New, is out now but I would highly recommend you check all the others too. Fade is another one of my favourites, but here we will talk about the song Slave. I struggled finding the lyrics for this song anywhere, so this is my transcription as I understand it. It might be completely off the mark in some lines, but I like the lyrics I hear. If you notice something different, ignore my version. :)

I hope you guys have a wonderful week and thank you for popping by!

Happy Monday!!


by Jakwob feat. The 14th

Way through heart break
Can we not drag this out?
Push your memory from my body
Now we are anybody's

We both know
We don't want to say it so
Stay in silence
Idling on neither
It's unavoidable
We can feel the pull
It's indeniable
Eyes narrating
Let's not complicate it while we're waiting

Way through heart break
Can we? Can we not drag this out?
Push your memory from my body
Now we are anybody's

Our time is untold
And each side it's not all

Way through heart break
Can we not drag this out?
Way through heart break
Push your memory from my body
Away from who I am 
Push your memory from my body
We're anybody's
Are we?

1 comment:

  1. this song is the BOMB. thank you for helping me work out the lyrics ♡


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