
Thursday, 10 January 2013

January 2013 ~ Events for Book Lovers, Writers and Curious Souls

We all know January is a quiet month, but there is still plenty to do to keep us out of trouble and on track with those New Year resolutions...

Only until Sat 12th Jan ~ Arabian Nights is Dominic Cooke's stage adaptation of the famous folk tales A Thousand and One Nights and you might just spot a couple of Emmerdale and EastEnders (British soap operas) faces in there. The Lowry Manchester, Tickets: £10-£20. Click here for further information and tickets.

Now - Sun 27th Jan ~ V for Vendetta the comic book written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd leaves the pages and hits the stage once more at the Manchester Lass O'Gowrie. Tickets: £5-£12. Check here for dates, times and prices. 

The First Cut - photo by Lee Gascoyne
Now - Sun 27th Jan ~ The First Cut Exhibition if you love books, you love paper. If you love paper, you're gonna love this!!! Thirty one international artists under the roof of Manchester Art Gallery. All working with paper and the result is amazing! If you see one exhibition this month, let it be this one. Free admission, Mon-Sun 10am-5pm, Thurs till 9pm. More details here. 

Sat 12 Jan ~ As part of The First Cut Exhibition mentioned above you can also watch paper silhouette animation movies. The Fairy Tale Films by Lotte Reiniger is one of them and it's inspired by Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen and the story of The Thousand and One Nights. Free Admission, family event, 11am-3.30pm at the Manchester Art Gallery. More information here.

The John Rylands Library
Tue 15th Jan ~ Explorer Tour of The John Rylands Library one of the most beautiful libraries I have ever seen. It's now part of the University of Manchester and the third largest academic library in the UK. Time: 2.30-3.30pm, booking necessary, see here for more details then click the 'more' icon to the bottom right corner of the event description.

Wed 16th Jan ~ All My Friends are Superheroes  and My Tiny Wife author Andrew Kaufman visits Waterstones Piccadilly, in London, to sign his new book Born Weird. Time: 6.30pm, tickets £5. Click here for more information.

Sat 19th Jan ~ Celebrate 200 years of Edward Lear, the man responsible for making limerick poems popular. Edward Lear was a British artist, author, poet and illustrator in the 1800s. He was also epileptic and manic depressive, but that didn't stop him from being extensively published both as a poet and an artist. A Book of Nonsense and The Owl and the Pussycat are two of his most popular pieces. Waterstones  Manchester Deansgate, time: 1.30-2.30pm. More details here.

Sat 19th Jan ~ And while you are in Manchester, why not kill two birds with one stone? In 2012 A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess celebrated its 50th anniversary. To celebrate this milestone, the International Anthony Burgess Foundation and the Stanley Kubrick Archive have brought together pieces of their extensive and rare collection of all-things Clockwork Orange at The John Rylands Library in Manchester for an exhibition. Not to be missed if you're a fan. A Clockwork Orange: Curator Tour, time: 1-2pm, booking necessary. See here for more details and click on the 'more' icon to the bottom right of the name of the event.

Tue 22nd Jan ~ The Portico Library has started a series of events honouring the lives of Manchester's  influential women. First up is Enriqueta Rylands, the Cuban sugar heiress who founded The John Rylands Library mentioned above in memory of her late husband John Rylands. Manchester's Women Series: Enriqueta Rylands, tickets: £7.50, time: 6.30pm.

Wed 23rd Jan ~ ReCon: Comics & Manga Party is for all ages and for any comic book or manga fan. Waterstones Liverpool One, 6-7.30pm, tickets £2 each and it includes an art competition, so take your drawings with you if you're an aspiring comic artist, and a fancy dress competition. Find more information here. 

Thu 31st Jan - Fri 1st Feb ~ The Secret Life of You and Me is a play and it makes it to the list because it reminds me of a book I read, but can't remember the name of to save my life! Does this description ring a bell with anyone? At The Lowry Manchester, tickets: £10. More details and tickets here.

"A made up true story. Lowri is in trouble. She leads a double life. By day she ponders the passing of time, sifting through the fractured memories of people left with snippets of who they were. By night she makes art in strange places: fleeting, filmic moments with unsuspecting mortals. All to draw meaning from our jumble- sale lives.
But the telescope has turned on this meddling voyeur. You are invited to witness her attempt to piece together a sparkling constellation from stuff, love and darkness; to understand what we are, how we fit together and what we leave behind." 

Have a fabulous start of the year peeps!

1 comment:

  1. You’ve really become a great writer. I remember when I first started visiting this blog and I thought you had a lot of potential. It’s great to see your hard work paying off and it looks like you’re getting a ton of comments. Congrats!


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