
Thursday, 27 September 2012

In the Mail {17} - The Occupy Handbook, The Peculiar and a New Kindle!

This week I have been spoiled! 

Which is great, especially since all we had here in Lancashire are grey days and rain. Honestly, I'm sure  the town I live in could give Twilight's town of Forks a run for its money. Vampires would thrive here. ^_^

I finally have a new Kindle! A sexy and sleek black number, instead of my old greyish one. And not thanks to Lufthansa Airlines, who smashed my old one (amongst other things) by bashing my luggage around when I went on holiday last month, then ignored my emails of complaint. Lovely people. Won't be flying them again. *Takes deep breaths* Sorry, my rant is now over. Moving on... a new Kindle means I can now carry on with my reading and that should keep me out of trouble for awhile. :)

With many thanks to Harper Collins UK, I received the very interesting The Peculiar by prodigy young writer Stefan Bachmann, who was only 16 when he started writing this book! I'm really looking forward to this one. Here is a teaser:

"Don't get yourself noticed and you won't get yourself hanged.
In the faery slums of Bath, Bartholomew Kettle and his sister Hettie live by these words. They are Peculiars - half-human, half-faery, and hated by both. 
One day a mysterious lady in a plum-coloured dress comes gliding down Old Crow Alley. Who is she? What does she want? Bartholomew doesn't know, but when he sees her magically whisking away a little boy, he forgets the rules and gets himself noticed. 
Now something is coming for him. But when you're a Peculiar, there's nowhere to run..." (backcover)

With many thanks to Little Brown & Co, I have also received The Occupy Handbook edited by Janet Byrne, which should give me plenty of food for thought. Here is a taster:

"How did we get here? What should we do next?
With contributions from some of the world's leading activists, thinkers, economists, and journalists, The Occupy Handbook explores the historical roots of the current movement, the links between income inequality and the economic crisis, lessons from Occupy protests throughout the United States and similar movements around the world, and the potential power of the 99 percent to effect real change. Full of wisdom, provocation, and insight, this book is essential reading for anyone trying to understand out world and hoping to make it more just." (backcover)

I feel like it's Christmas come early! Better start reading... Tata.:)

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