
Friday, 20 July 2012

Interview - Foreign Identity author Becca J. Campbell

To finish our spread in the Foreign Identity Blog Tour I have been honoured with the opportunity to interrogate the lovely Becca Campbell. ^_^

And here is what I asked her: 

1.       Thanks for asking me to be part of your blog tour. I really enjoyed your book! Foreign Identity is your first novel and at the moment it pretty much has 5 stars on Goodreads (and certainly on my blog - read my review here), how does it feel to see your first work hit such high marks?
It’s been pleasantly surprising. Of course I love the story, but I didn’t expect a first work to do so well. I’m overwhelmed and excited by all the great ratings and reviews it’s been getting. Now we just need to spread the word and tell more people about it!
2.       In your blog you said the idea for the novel was scribbled on a church handout. How did the idea actually come about?

Actually that’s how my first novel, Empath, started. Foreign Identity is the second book I wrote (although it’s the first to be published). Empath and the idea of the Flawed series came when I was in church thinking about the idea of flaws and how a weakness can actually be a strength. That series is about people with super-human weaknesses. The first book is currently scheduled for publication in February of 2013.

The idea for Foreign Identity came from ten words in a writing prompt on the Creative Copy Challenge ( I wrote most of the first draft as a series of posts using their semi-weekly prompts.
3.       Kel and Jax, the two main characters of Foreign Identity, have very different personalities. Are you more like Jax – the man on a mission, who must always crack the puzzle no matter the cost – or Kel – the one who would be happy with a simpler life?

Without a doubt, I’m most like Jax, with his affinity for solving problems. Foreign Identity actually came from a desire to give myself a problem (two strangers trapped in a cell with no memories) and see if I could write a way out of it. Also, despite Jax’s inclinations toward logic, he’s the artistic one, and I relate to that aspect of his personality.
Kel and I share some characteristics, but she’s much more stubborn where I tend to be a people pleaser. She also has a scientific mind and a natural athleticism, neither of which I posess.
4.       Is there a song or do you have a playlist that reminds you of Foreign Identity?
I don’t have a playlist for Foreign Identity, although I do for my books in the Flawed series.
5.       As a writer, do you write to a plan – you know exactly where your story is going before you start it – or the story unfolds as you write it?

I’ve written two novels via pantsing and two via plotting. I much prefer the latter. It’s fun to experiment as I go, but I’ve since realized that the less I’ve planned out a story beforehand, the more editing and rewrites it’s going to need.

With Foreign Identity, I started without a plan. As I mentioned, I threw a couple of characters into a dilemma and wrote to find a solution. I didn’t write the entire thing without a plan, though. After they escaped the initial chamber, I stopped to figure out the whys behind the story. From there I came up with a back story (one they weren’t aware of) and an idea for where their journey would lead.
6.       Do you believe in aliens?
I tend to go with “no” on this one, although I’m not entirely ruling out the existence of other species in distant galaxies. Let’s just say that I don’t believe aliens have ever visited our solar system.
Now for the random but fun stuff...
7.       It’s clear you are very passionate about creative things. When did the knitting start and what was the craziest thing you have ever made?
I started knitting about four years ago when a friend taught me. I quickly learned new and advanced techniques as projects required (I’m a project-driven knitter). I don’t know if I’ve knitted anything downright crazy, but I’ve knitted almost everything under the sun including: socks, hats, scarves, shrugs, coasters, toys, dishcloths, handbags, baby stuff, a skirt, and a guitar strap. My most-used knitted pieces are for my electronics: laptop, kindle, and iPod covers.
8.       Beach holiday, camping in the forest or city break?
All of them sound wonderful. I love traveling, however I’m not that big on camping. My choice would be the beach if taking my whole family (husband and three kids) or a big city visit if it was sans kids.
9.       What item in your handbag you can’t live without?
Carmex or lipgloss. I always have to have something on my lips. It’s weird, I know.
10.   Favourite type of music?
I like a wide range of genres—pretty much anything except rap/hip hop and country. Death Cab for Cutie is my current favorite band, but for writing I like instrumental music. I’ve made a writing music station on Pandora and my favorite groups to listen to while working are the Vitamin String Quartet and Apocalyptica.
11.   A cause worth fighting for...
Lasting marriages. When I hear about people I know getting divorced, it ignites something inside me. I’m sick of hearing about all the failed marriages, the relationships not working, the couples who’ve given up on each other—on themselves as a unit. I believe marriage was meant to be forever, but our society has trivialized that concept and made it appear practically worthless. All marriages have difficulties, but I see it as something to fight for, something to never give up on. If I could change anything, I’d hope to show people that they can make it work.
Thanks Becca for taking the time to answer all our crazy questions! It's always nice to find out more about the person behind the words. 

The Foreign Identity Blog Tour is still going on peeps! And today it has landed at Sweet Banana Ink (click here to be redirected there), so don't miss out! 

Becca Campbell herself is also giving away a signed paper copy of Foreign Identity (click here to take part) and let's not forget the free copy of Not the Norm with every copy of F.I. purchased (read more about it here)!

There is a lot up for grabs, so get in there and have a wonderful weekend!! 

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