
Monday, 16 April 2012

Music Mondays - Translation of Como Eu Quero by Kid Abelha

Kid Abelha is a Brazilian rock-pop band from Rio de Janeiro. I think that says it all, doesn't it?

Created in 1981, they are responsible for quite a number of songs which have entered the Brazilian classic rock-pop realm. Together with other amazing bands such as Paralamas do Sucesso (listen to their Music Monday feature here), Legião Urbana and many others, they have marked Brazilian music history as well as my childhood as I was growing up and, later on,  my teens. This song in particular reminds me of all sort of things...

If it all fails, the lead singer is also called Paula (great name! *biased much?*) and, boys - this is for you, she's drop-dead-gorgeous! Paula wrote this song with Leoni - now lead singer of another band, but then her band mate and boyfriend. Because it was doomed to be feminist, this track was censored during the dictatorship in 1984, but that never stopped it becoming one of Kid Abelha's most successful songs to date.

So here goes my way of celebrating 40 years of feminism. March on girls! Nothing wrong with knowing what you want. Although, I'm sure the original feminists might turn on their graves if they knew we use feminism today as an excuse for short skirts rather than fighting for fair education, the right to vote or to count as a citizen. Food for thought there. 

Enjoy and have a wonderful Monday! ^_^


by Kid Abelha

Diz pra eu ficar muda / Tell me to shut up
Faz cara de mistério / Pull your mysterious face
Tira essa bermuda / Take off those shorts
Que eu quero você sério / I want you to take it seriously
Tramas do sucesso / The downsides of success
Mundo particular / Private Life
Solos de guitarra não vão me conquistar / Guitar solos won't win my heart

Ooooo Eu quero você  / Oh I want you
Como eu quero. /  How much I want you

O que você precisa é de um retoque total / What you need is a total revamp
Vou transformar o teu rascunho em arte final / I'll transform your scketches into fine art
Agora não tem jeito / Now there is no way out
Cê tá nunha cilada / You're in trouble
É cada um por si / It's every man for himself
Você por mim / You for me
E mais nada / And nothing else

Ooooo Eu quero você  / Oh I want you
Como eu quero. /  How I want you

Longe do meu domínio / Away from my reign
Cê vai de mau a pior / You go from bad to worse
Vem que eu te ensino / Come and I'll teach you
Como ser bem melhor / How to be a lot better

Ooooo Eu quero você  / Oh I want you
Como eu quero. /  How I want you

Como eu quero. /  How I want you

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