
Monday, 5 March 2012

Music Mondays - Never Be Another by Delilah

With a lethal combination of sexy voice and beat, Delilah is the name to watch in 2012.

This track is just amazing! Once you hear it, it's hard not to catch the bug. What do you think?

She has featured on Music Mondays before with her début single 'Go'. Click the link below the video to read the lyrics.


by Delilah

Why’d you do babe
What you do?

All your proof babe
It's untrue

Why’d you do babe

What you do?

Tell me once, tell me twice

I will hear you

We used to be long life
Do anything, right, for you
I can’t stand by and live a lie with you
Cause there’ll never be another one.

Hear my song, hear my voice screamin’ help me

I will be on the floor beggin’ save me

I don't remember this man 
Got the ring from my hand
I could
but there’ll never be another one.

Why’d you do babe
What you do?
All your proof babe 
It's untrue
Why’d you do babe
What you do?
And there won't ever be another.

Hi my dear, bye my dear
Tell me, you want me?

Ask you once, be sincere, do you love me?

I would drive  for you, write for you, die for you
And there’ll never be another.


Why’d you do babe

What you do?

All your proof babe
It's untrue
Why’d you do babe
What you do?
And there won’t be another.

Boy, I can feel your heart bursting through my chest

I can feel your lips running all down my neck

Still I hear your lies, these words should not be said
one question I can’t get out of my head.

Why’d you do babe

What you do?

All your proof babe
It's untrue

Why'd you do babe
What you do?
Never be another.

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