
Sunday, 25 March 2012

Poetic Images {3} - A Game of Shadows

'Daily Dose' is a feature of Good Golly Miss Holly from amazing Aussie blogger and aspiring photographer Holly. It's basically her way of sharing the fab images she comes across. Now... I know today is not Monday - the traditional day for 'Daily Dose' - but... What the heck? Why not?

We don't get enough sunshine in the part of the world I live in. So to celebrate the fact today is a beautiful sunny day (spring has definitely kicked in) and I'm sprawled in the sunshine like a cat, I decided to show you what happens when it's sunny in beautiful Lancashire. :-)

Let me introduce you to Blackpool...

The sea was stormy, but the sun was out!

Then Preston... This is the turret of St Peter's Art Center at UCLan, the University I attend. St Peter's was one of Preston's main churches back in the 1800s, but in 1973 it was integrated into what was to become UCLan today.

Last but not least, the sitting room in my old flat where I used to sprawl. ^_^


  1. Awesome pictures. I like the last one best for some reason.

    1. It's homey. I look at it and think of myself reading a book in the sunshine, maybe you have a corner like this in your house? xx

  2. We enjoyed the Blackpool sunshine this weekend thanks to winning the tickets from your blog - we had a fabulous time, thank you SO much! x

    1. You're more welcome sweetie! You won because you entered and I'm glad you had an amazing time. :) xx


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