With Easter fast approaching and spring officially here, there is a lot going on for writers and book lovers of all ages. And for once I'm organized enough to get it to you early! Herray!!!! Here are my highlights:
If you live outside the UK, have a look on the World Book Night on April 23rd.
Oxford Literature Festival
starts today and is in full swing till the 1st of April. If you're going to or live in that neck of the woods, don't miss out. There are some great events for young people (see the list of events here). And if you are there, say hi to Jasmine and Jenny from Oxford University Press (OUP) for me. ^_^
starts today and is in full swing till the 1st of April. If you're going to or live in that neck of the woods, don't miss out. There are some great events for young people (see the list of events here). And if you are there, say hi to Jasmine and Jenny from Oxford University Press (OUP) for me. ^_^

From March 30th to April 7th you can indulge yourself at the Liverpool International WRITE NOW Festival - a festival dedicated to showcase new play writing for nine days every year. If you are a play writer, check the opportunity to have your work considered (more information here) as it's not only a great opportunity to learn more and meet people in the industry, but it also great fun! It has to be new, never staged before, innovative, engaging and vibrant. If like me you like to watch, then check the event listing here and go have a great time.
Don't forget to check your Local Library for events! Because of Easter there is a lot going on, especially for little ones! The one around the corner from me, Clitheroe Library (Lancashire), will be hosting a Easter Craft & Activity Day on the 5th of April, 2- 4pm. Check the list of events for Lancashire Libraries here.
4th Apr ~ An Evening with Robert Goddard, the thriller writer discusses his new novel 'Fault Line' and all things crime and fiction orientated. Waterstones Deansgate, Manchester, 7pm, tickets: £5, for more information Tel: 0161 837 3000.
Waterstones Deansgate is also offering a week of children's activity during the Easter period, including an Egg Hunt on Apr 7th, 11am-3pm and Craft & Activities starting from Apr 9th, 11am-4pm.
5th Apr ~ The Vanishing of the Bees - a documentary about the much discussed topic introduced by guest speaker and bee expert Bill Paterson. Sponsored by They Eat Culture at The New Continental, Preston, 7pm, tickets: £5, more information here.
7th Apr ~ Meet Alicia L. Wright - UCLan graduate (that's the University I go to) Alicia L. Wright introduces her latest children's novel 'Egg, Sugar and Disaster'. Waterstones Blackpool, 11am, for more information Tel: 01253 296 136
Cambridge Wordfest runs from the 13th to the 15th of April and is celebrating its 10th Anniversary! Click here for a lineup of great events for adults and children.
Kick starting on the 16th and running till the 18th of April is the all famous London Book Fair, providing talks and conferences on the latest in the industry as well as a great opportunity to network. If you're an aspiring writer or work in the book world, it's just a must. Click here for more information.
Don't forget the deadline for Lancashire Writing Hub's Flash Fiction Competition on the 20th of April. The idea is to have a prize winner by the National Flash Fiction Day in May. For more information on how to take part click here.
Last, but definitely not least, is World Book Night on April 23rd! This year's World Book Night will be celebrated not only in the UK, but also in Ireland, Germany and USA. If it's anything like last year, it will be amazing! Find out more here. Out of curiosity, World Book Night happens on the 23rd of April because it's the birth and death date of Shakespeare as well as the death date of the great Spanish novelist Cervantes. It's also the date chosen by UNESCO as International Book Day.
In April I also get to find out if any of the books I read for the Melissa Nathan Award have been shortlisted. So watch this space! (Read more about it here)
And let's not forget The Regular Events!
14th April ~ Burnley Writers Circle meets the second Saturday of every month offering workshops, writing challenges, feedback and writing competitions. You must become a member (£15 per year) and sessions cost £2 per person towards room hire and coffees. More information here.
30th April ~ scRibble Creative Writing Group meets at The Continental in Preston the last Monday of every month to share their work and exchange feedback. Free Admission, 7.30 start. Further information here.
I hope you found something interesting enough to get involved.
Have a great April! ^_^
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