
Friday, 30 March 2012

Book Review - Patrick Patterson and The World of Others by James Fryar

An alien fiction that manages to mix a little bit of Harry PotterMan in Black and I'm Number Four and still come out with its own voice.

"For almost thirteen years Patrick Patterson has lived a quiet simple life in a tiny town at the edge of Texas called Farwell. Then he is whisked away by a group of warriors across the United States to discover his true identity and a destiny clouded in mystery. Never in his wildest dreams did he think that he'd walk through an underground city filled with citizens from across the universe, contend with powerful enemies from the edge of the galaxy, or travel to the Arctic Circle on a high speed train. Now, he must decide what he truly desires and whether he even wants to take up the mantle of hero...or alien.”

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Teaser Trailer Released

So... Breaking Dawn Part 2 trailers have started to emerge!

Part 1 generated a lot of controversy (read my review here), but part 2 looks good. What do you think? Did you watch part 1? Were you impressed?

Monday, 26 March 2012

Music Monday - You Need Me by Ed Sheeran

Ok, I know I've featured Ed Sheeran before (read about Lego House here), but come on! The guy is brilliant!

I love this song. It makes me want to shake my bones. So if you walk into a nightclub and there is a nutter dancing on tables to this song, there is a good chance it will be me. ^_^ Not to mention that Sheeran is from Halifax in Lancashire - around the corner from where I live.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Happy Monday!


Sunday, 25 March 2012

Poetic Images {3} - A Game of Shadows

'Daily Dose' is a feature of Good Golly Miss Holly from amazing Aussie blogger and aspiring photographer Holly. It's basically her way of sharing the fab images she comes across. Now... I know today is not Monday - the traditional day for 'Daily Dose' - but... What the heck? Why not?

We don't get enough sunshine in the part of the world I live in. So to celebrate the fact today is a beautiful sunny day (spring has definitely kicked in) and I'm sprawled in the sunshine like a cat, I decided to show you what happens when it's sunny in beautiful Lancashire. :-)

Let me introduce you to Blackpool...

The sea was stormy, but the sun was out!

Then Preston... This is the turret of St Peter's Art Center at UCLan, the University I attend. St Peter's was one of Preston's main churches back in the 1800s, but in 1973 it was integrated into what was to become UCLan today.

Last but not least, the sitting room in my old flat where I used to sprawl. ^_^

Saturday, 24 March 2012

April - Events for Writers and Book Lovers

With Easter fast approaching and spring officially here, there is a lot going on for writers and book lovers of all ages. And for once I'm organized enough to get it to you early! Herray!!!! Here are my highlights:

If you live outside the UK, have a look on the World Book Night on April 23rd.

Oxford Literature Festival
starts today and is in full swing till the 1st of April. If you're going to or live in that neck of the woods, don't miss out. There are some great events for young people (see the list of events here). And if you are there, say hi to Jasmine and Jenny from Oxford University Press (OUP) for me. ^_^

Throughout April, starting from the 1st,  you will have some amazing events in London as part of Cityread London, a charitable organization aiming to get Londoners back into libraries and reading great novels. To celebrate Dickens' 200th Anniversary, Cityread London has organized all sorts of events as part of Dickens' London. Way worth a look! There are tons going on for all ages from Hip Hop to cinema screenings. All to do with books and reading, of course! My highlight would be 'Dodgy Dickens' taking place on the 15th of April and aimed at children in between 7 and 12 years-old. Read more about it here. 

Friday, 23 March 2012

Sound of Silence - Short Film

Hi everyone, I'm sorry it has been awhile. I'm not boring you all to death with excuses (one of which would be a chronic case of writers' block) but, as usual, to apologise I come baring gifts!

This little film was posted by my friend Sherydan over on Facebook. As I'm a hopeless romantic (Ok, ok - understatement - romantic in books, cynic in real life) I couldn't resist posting it here.

The Sound of Silence is a cute story about bridging the gaps and overcoming difficulties when you really like somebody. It not only reminds me of a book I read recently (Please Don't Stop the Music - read my review here) but it is also told in a really nice way.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!  xx

Monday, 12 March 2012

Music Mondays - Wish I Could Fly by Roxette

Roxette is one of my favourite bands even though they were big in the 80s and I was just born then. With all-time classics under their belt like 'Listen to Your Heart' and 'It Must Have Been Love' (Pretty Woman soundtrack), how could they not feature on Music Mondays? 

Having said that, this track is my favourite. It hit Brazil just as I was about to leave for the UK in 1999 and I felt in love with it the first time I heard it in the radio. That's not to mention that it's a seriously sexy song. Check the lyrics by clicking 'read more' below the video.

What do you think? Do you have any fond Roxette memories or have you never heard of them?


Sunday, 11 March 2012

Rebecca Lim Releases Teasers for Fury

With the UK release of Fury, the fourth book on the Mercy series, set to take place on March 29th, Rebecca Lim has released a couple of teasers over at the series' Facebook page - Mercy Books.

'You’ve spoilt me for anyone else in this life, any life, you know that, don’t you?' - RYAN

'Ryan?’ I say shakily. ‘Stay with me.' - MERCY

I don't know about you, but my curiosity is at an all-time high! My heart is already breaking because of the second teaser.Fear is telling me that it doesn't look good for Ryan. What do you think is happening? *_*

Muse, the third book on the series, has been winking at me from my book shelve ever since I bought it. I'm itching to get to it! And I can't wait for the release of Fury. Rebecca has this way of ending her books with cliffhanger that both break your heart and get you completely and utterly hooked.

Friday, 9 March 2012

BBC Radio Lancashire Interview with John Gillmore

If you follow me on Twitter you might have heard that yesterday I was interviewed by John Gillmore over at BBC Radio Lancashire.

I had a great time talking about books, the Melissa Nathan Award and the novel I'm currently working on, but Gosh! Does my voice sound different!!! Click here to hear the podcast of the interview. If you don't want to listen to the whole thing you can move the bar until you are about 1:21, then 1:34 and last but not least 1:50 so you miss all the local news and go straight to the interview.

Check it out and let me know if you think I babble because I talk like you wouldn't believe when I'm nervous. And needless to say I walked away ready to drink a bottle of vodka to calm my nerves. ^_^ But it was brilliant and Gilly was great. 

A fab experience to have on my birthday! :-)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Book Turned Movie {3} - Bel Ami, John Carter, The Raven, Trishna, In Darkness, We Bought a Zoo, The Hunger Games & The Pirates!

March sees the releases of quite a few movies based on books. Here are my favourites:

Releasing March 9th...  
Bel Ami is the film adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's French novel Bel Ami. If you are a Twilight fan, this is the cad side of Robert Pattinson. You guessed it. Where there are cads, there are also sex scenes so this film is a Certificate 15 - slightly older than the Twilight movie market.

"A chronicle of a young man's rise to power in Paris via his manipulation of the city's most influential and wealthy women." (IMDb)

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

March & The Movies I am Looking Forward to {4}

There are a series of interesting movies out this month and here are the ones I want to go and see! There is also a list of books-turned-movies released in March so watch out for that too.

Released on March 2nd... 
Hunky Dory sounds interesting, although it had mixed reviews from other bloggers and I do have High School Musical flashbacks. But then again, High School Musical would never have a snogging (making out) scene.

"In the heat of the summer of 1976, keen drama teacher Vivienne fights sweltering heat and general teenage apathy to put on an end of year music version of Shakespeare's The Tempest. To engage her students, she uses hits of the time, which will be performed by a fresh young cast led by rising star Aneurin Barnard." (IMDb)

Monday, 5 March 2012

Music Mondays - Never Be Another by Delilah

With a lethal combination of sexy voice and beat, Delilah is the name to watch in 2012.

This track is just amazing! Once you hear it, it's hard not to catch the bug. What do you think?

She has featured on Music Mondays before with her début single 'Go'. Click the link below the video to read the lyrics.


Sunday, 4 March 2012

Book Review - Please Don't Stop the Music by Jane Lovering

A romantic comedy with some teeth that will have you coming back to it over and over again. 

How much can you hide? Jemima Hutton is determined to build a successful new life and keep her past a dark secret. Trouble is, her jewellery business looks set to fail. Until the enigmatic Ben Davies offers to stock her handmade belt buckles in his guitar shop and things start looking up, on all fronts.

But Ben has secrets of his own. When Jemima finds out he used to be the front man of a hugely successful Indie rock band - Willow Down - she wants to know more. Why he desert the band on their US tour? Why is he now a semi-recluse?And the curiosity is mutual - which means her own secrets are no longer safe.

Friday, 2 March 2012

The Mortal Instruments by *palnk

If there is something I envy from anyone that can do it, it's the ability to draw. Ask me to sketch anything and a stick man is as good as it'll get. So to say I'm consumed by jealousy is a mild understatement.

*palnk is not only a talented artist, she also has a cracking sense of humour! Damn you woman! If there is one thing nobody is allowed to have is the full package: talent, looks and wittiness. Don't you know it makes us all feel like an inferior species? Shame on you!

The fanart drawings below are her reaction while reading Clockwork Prince (read my review of it here) – if she could drop into it, as she puts it - and Clary and Jace's first kiss in City of Bones, both part of Cassandra Clare’s the Infernal Devices and The Mortal Instruments series respectively. I rest my case.
To see more of *palnk 's amazing fanart, including The Mortal Instruments, The Hunger Games and others, just visit her profile at deviantART. Trust me, you won't regret it.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Book Tag - Join the Game!!!

Me (albeit on a bad hair day)
Today is World Book Day (read about it here) and we are playing 'Tag!'. Well, Book Tag that is. 

First and for most, a huge thank you to Sierra at Happily Never Ending for tagging me!

1. You must post the rules.
2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create ten new questions to ask the people that you have tagged.
3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
4. Let them know you've tagged them!

So here are My answers, and I must say: Sierra, these are really good questions! 

What was the first book you reviewed?
Matched by Ally Condie. While I had mixed feeling about this book, it did make me wonder if handwriting will eventually become a dying art just like it did in this story.

What's your favorite movie that is based off a book, i.e. Twilight?
Ooooo! Now you got me. 0_0 I do like Twilight - only the first movie, though (I know, someone will want to stone me). And typically, when I need to remember one film adaptation, nothing comes to mind. But I can tell which ones I'm looking forward to seeing on the big screen in the future: The Hunger Games, Wicked Lovely and, my favourite, City of Bones.

Where do you usually read?
Everywhere, anywhere. But I do love reading in bed. My hubby calls it 'my pit' when I do that.

Paperback/Hardcover or Tablet?
Paperback any day. I'm not very 21st century for a blogger, I know. But you can't have an eBook autographed by its writer and because I work in the computer all the time, reading from a screen makes me think of work. 

When did you become a blogger?
Last year, after my creative writing instructor suggested I started a routine of writing a little every day. I though blogging would be a good way to do that. 

Favorite thing about blogging?
All the amazing people I have met! I'm now in touch with people all over the world, who I would never have known otherwise. And we all love books so I don't sound like a nerd when I'm going on... and on... and on... and on... about them. ^_^

Less favorite thing about blogging?
The disappointment I feel when life gets in the way and I don't have time to do it. I have withdraw symptoms. It's seriously addictive.

Do you want your future career to have something to do with books? Like publishing or professional reviewer?
Absolutely! I'm an aspiring writer, but I also love editing (specially copy editing) and reviewing so I will most definitely look into a career path in the book world after I finish my degree. 

Blog inspiration?
Oh Gosh, there are many! I did look at lots of blogs when I was setting up mine and I still look into and read other blogs. You can find some of them here and here, but I come across new ones almost every day and they are so different that is hard to pick only a handful.

Team Edward or Team Jacob? Or Team Peeta or Team Gale?
I think I'm Team Edward, but only just. And I haven't read The Hunger Games yet, but I reckon, from what I've heard, that I will be Team Gale. 

I'm tagging... 

black belt blogger and writer Babi Dewet @ Babi Dewet (read my review of her book here)
sweet girl Megan @ The Book Addicted Girl
hard working Laura @ Books Are Precious Gems
kick-butt ladies @ Book Lovers Inc.
the ultra cool Juju @ Tales of Whimsy
gregarious Ginger @ GReads!
super friendly Jennifer @ Dream Reads
fellow Brazilian book blogger May @ Brazilian Book Worm
Portuguese speaking Texan Cari @ Cari's Book Blog 
and last but definitely not least, the lovely Sarah @ Feeling Fictional

Please, please leave a link to your TAG post on the comment box below, girlies. So my follower and I can read your answers. We are a rather curious bunch. ^_^

My Questions... *cleans throat*

1. When was the last time you cried at the movies?
2. Most funny or embarrassing thing that ever happened to you?
3. If you could date a fictional character, who would it be and why?
4. Open the book you're currently reading on page 15 and give us a taster. Please? *visualize puppy eyes here*
5. What is your favourite quote from a book?
6. Is there a book you keep on coming back to even if only to read a certain scene?
7. Why did you become a blogger?
8. Paperback, hardcover, eBook or audiobook?
9. First book you ever reviewed in your blog?
10. The love story (in a book) that broke your heart, made you cry, but still makes you feel all fuzzy inside?

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