
Monday, 27 February 2012

The Books Behind the 2012 Oscars

The Oscars.... Glamour, glitz, amazing dresses and books. Yes, you read that right - books. Six of the nine films nominated for 'Best Picture' this year were actually film adaptations of books.  

If that wasn't enough, our books-turned-movies took home eight of the twenty four little statuettes! Everyday eBook has the complete line up of all the books behind this year's Oscars nominations  and anobii has a very interesting list of the top film adaptations nominated over the years. Definitely worth checking. 

OUT CURIOSITY: The Oscar Statuette is one of the most famous symbols in the world. Read about its history here.


  1. I loved The Help film. Gotta read it.
    I want The Descendants on audio.
    Were you rooting for a certain book turned movie?
    Did you have a favorite dress?

    1. No, I didn't have a film in particular, but I did love Hugo. Beautiful film! Dresses... There were some beautiful ones wasn't it. I liked J-Lo's after party dress - the deep read sparkly one. Gorgeous. but I think my favourite would have to be Cameron Diaz's - uncomplicated, sexy and glamurous. Right up my street. There is nothing worse than a dress you have to fiddle with all the time. ^_^


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