
Monday, 30 January 2012

Music Mondays - Translation of Pretin by Flora Matos

It has been awhile since I've posted a Brazilian song so... I thought it was time I introduced you guys to the Brazilian take on R&B and some great footage of my favourite city: Sao Paulo.

Flora Matos is currently one of the most promising MCs in Brazil. Not surprising if you bear in mind she has been around the music business since she was four as her father was a songwriter. I love her vibe and I see her as the Brazilian version of Missy Elliott. A huge thanks to my wildcat cousin Babi for introducing me to her sound.

If you are not into R&B and rap, then check the video for the amazing footage, cool dance moves and curvy women. ^_^ 

A little taste of Brazil for you. Enjoy.

CURIOSITY: I must explain the whistle thing. You see, in Brazil most people live in apartment blocks. When someone is downstairs at the gate they can call your flat through the intercom and the answer is usually 'come up' or 'I'm coming down'. Also, groups of boys (and even gangs) usually have a set of whistles, like a code, to pass small amounts of information along. They are usually callings or warnings. When I was in my teens and living at home, we used to live on the sixth floor of an apartment block and my boyfriend used to whistle a particular tune at the front of my building to let me know he was downstairs if I wanted to sneak out to see him. That's the whistling Flora is talking about.


by Flora Matos

*This is my translation of this song and I'm a sad excuse for a poet, so apologies for the lack of musicality. *_*

Pretin / Boy,

Desse jeito 'cê' me deixa louca. / You gonna drive me crazy like that

Tomando coragem pra beijar sua boca. / I'm warming up to kiss your lips
Mesmo que 'cê' não saiba, / Even if you don't know it yet
sou eu não tem outra, / I'm the one, there isn't another.
pra mudar sua vida assim só eu / Only I can rock your world like this.
(Louca/ Crazy)

Hoje ele acordou e assoviou ... / Today he woke up and whistled for me

A Flora acordou e te respondeu .. / And Flora woke up and whistled back
Quando ele queria um beijo era .. / When he wanted a kiss he whistled like... (whistle)
Quado ela respondia era tipo ... / When she answered it was like... (whistle)

Ele dizia: 'Eu tô te querendo' / He said: 'I want you.'

Ela dizia: 'Já tô descendo' / She said: 'I'm coming down.'
Ele dizia: 'Então vem correndo' / He said: 'Then rush.'
Ela dizia: 'É isso 'memo' / She said: 'Doing it now.'

Me levou pra passear depois, / He took me out after

E fez com que esse amor crescesse tanto em mim / And made this lover grown out of control
Me levou pra um lugar onde quando um amor começa jamais haverá um fim. / And he took me to a place where when a love like this starts, it never ends.
Dominou meu coração de uma forma tão sútil/ He took my heart so gently
Mais eu não consegui dormir / But I still lost my sleep over him
E o meu pretinho querendo meu chamego, / He's my boy now wanting my touch
Já não tinha porque se esconder assim./ So there is no need to hide it.

Desse jeito 'cê' me deixa louca. / You gonna drive me crazy like that

Tomando coragem pra beijar sua boca. / I'm warming up to kiss your lips
Mesmo que 'cê' não saiba, / Even if you don't know it yet
sou eu não tem outra, / I'm the one, there isn't another.
pra mudar sua vida assim só eu / Only I can rock your world like this.
(Louca/ Crazy)



  1. Thanks for the "wildcat title"!! I'm glad to see a piece of Brazil being spreaded around the world!


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