
Sunday, 1 January 2012

January & The Movies I Am Looking Forward To {3}


If you started January full of fitness and health plans like me, why not check what is going on in the cinema? You should be able to keep to your no-smoking, no-drinking, eating healthy, and detox plans and therefore keep your new year's resolution intact.

My highlight without any doubt would have to be War Horse, due for release on Friday 13th. Yes, I know. The date doesn't particularly make you feel like venturing out to the cinema but, if you have read the original novel by Michael Morpurgo or watched the play adaptation by Nick Stafford, you will understand why you should. The movie does look promising and I hope it does the original as much justice as the play did.

Keeping true to the British spirit, The Iron Lady releases on Friday 6th and tells the story of Margaret Thatcher's rise to power. Thatcher was the first woman to lead a major political party in the UK and rose to become UK's only female Prime Minister. She governed the country with her iron first and very conservative views, hence why she is 'affectionately' known as The Iron Lady. Worth watching for a little dose of girl power if nothing else.

Continuing on the girl power excuse... Haywire, out on Wednesday 18th, is purely and simply girl-kicks-ass. But enough that the boys might enjoy it too. There is no real reason to watch this one, apart from seeing a girl getting over being framed by breaking a punch of guys in half. I'm in!

Going back to the British theme... W.E., on cinemas Friday 20th, tells the story (albeit from a different perspective) of King Edward VIII and his love for Wallis Simpson - the American woman he loved enough to give up his position as the heir to the English throne. Worth watching just for the historical theme.

In true form, you could not pass Friday 13th without watching a film to scare the living daylights out of you. So if you like scary movies and Sci-Fi, try The Darkest Hour. While alien invasion is hardly an original theme, electrical invisible aliens might just be interesting enough. It will only be available in some cities and in specific cinemas, though, so watch out for it.

On the scary-yourself-stiff topic... Try Intruders, out on Friday 27th. Just watching the trailer gave me the heebie-jeebies. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to watch all of it. *bites nails, looks over her shoulder*

Now this is for the vampire and werewolf lovers everywhere... Underworld: Awakening, on cinemas Friday 20th. But beware; this is no 'Twilight'. Vampires here, even the good ones, do eat humans or, to be precise, drink human blood. You might need to catch up on the other three movies before watching this one, though.

So... Did any of them entice you?

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