
Friday, 6 January 2012

Cover Revealed - City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare

For those of us who ever wondered what Jace and Clary may look like together... Here is your answer: for they are the cover of City of Lost Souls, the fifth book on Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instrument series due for release on May 8th!

Me likey. A lot!!!


  1. I really enjoyed your review. I can tell that you loved this and you've almost convinced me I should continue with this series. My interest in Cassie's books has waned but you make some good points about the characters not being as bad as some of their personality traits.

    1. I know exactly what you mean. I have to admit I am not as much of a fan of the new series as I am of the old one, but I would like to see what happens. Cassie is still a fab writer, so I am hoping that her writing will make me glad I read the new books. :)

  2. It was amazing, everything I thought it would be. I love how she left you hanging and how suspenseful it was. There were a lot of things I didn't see coming, she did a great job with all of these books, & I ordered her new one before I even finished this one.

    1. True. Cassandra is a great writer. I love her wit!!! Thanks for commenting too! :)


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