
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Chosen as a Reader for The Melissa Nathan Award

It's my great pleasure to announce that I have been chosen as one of the readers for The Melissa Nathan Award for Comedy Romance!!!!

Melissa Nathan was a British journalist and accomplished romantic comedy writer who died of cancer in 2006 at only 37. The award honours her memory and accomplishments as a writer and the Melissa Nathan Foundation helps families in crisis in memory of her previous charitable work. Please spare a minute to have a look at the amazing work the Foundation does by clicking through the link.

I didn't know Melissa, but reading about her makes me wish I did. Her son was only three when she died and she spent her last days writing letters and stories for his memory box so he would know her even when she wasn't physically there. It takes a seriously calm mind to think about dying this way. She sounds like an amazing woman.

Going back to the award... Once all the readers have finished their feedback and the novels are short listed, it is up to the fine panel of judges to vote the winners. Judges are no other than comedian Jo Brand; author Joanna Trollope OBE; author Sophie Kinsella; comedy actress, writer and producer Morwenna Banks, actress and presenter Liza Tarbuck; MD of National Express Andrew Cleaves; Waitrose book buyer Freya Wright; and Andrew Saffron - Melissa's husband and founder of the award and foundation. Great company to say the least!

It will be a pleasure and I'm looking forward to my reads. :-)

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