
Monday, 31 October 2011

Music Mondays - Paradise by Coldplay

Hello!!! I know I've gone a little M.I.A. (missing in action), but Gosh is it good to be back? I actually missed blogging. I wondered if that means I don't have a life. :-? Than I decided that I just love writing. :-)

Ok... Music Monday!

I have to admit I have never been a fan of Coldplay. I can't quite put my finger on why that is, but their songs have never attracted my attention. Until now.

Paradise has a great melody and I love the fairytale lyrics. Are you a fan of Coldplay and what is your favourite song of theirs?

Be part of it!!! You can comment (and no, you don't need to sign up to the blog or even leave your name if you don't want to) by clicking the comment link at the bottom of the article. Or if you like the post, but don't really want to comment, you can just click 'like' at the bottom of the article.This blog is an open discussion so if you disagree or agree I would love to hear from you.^_^


Monday, 24 October 2011

Music Mondays - You Are Mine by Mutemath

Here goes a little something to relax your Monday.

Mutemath is an alternative rock band from New Orleans. I love this song. The smooth vocals with the chilled relaxed beat make me think of better days when I feel a little tired. So I though I would share it with you, just in case you suffering from Monday blues. ^_^


Sunday, 23 October 2011

Books in Fashion - Cath Kidston Book Boxes

Designer Cath Kidston has as part of her stitching collection this fab little book boxes. And how gorgeous are they?

Available in green (small size), pink and blue, costing £6 for the smaller box and £15 for the larger ones, they would make for amazing and clever bookish gifts. I personally would move the pins, treads, and buttons to my stitching box and keep these fab little boxes to save my collection of book markers, letters, blank cards, or whatever else I can fit in them. They would then snug beautifully into my bookshelf. A good job fashionably done. What do you think?

On a more rebellious note... I have been saying for awhile that books are back in vogue. Once again, it is attractive and sexy to have some brain. Nerds, bookworms, A-grade students, geeks, teacher's pets: It's our turn to dominate the world! *insert wicked laugh here*  ^_^

Am I the only one who just had visions of Brain from Pink & Brain (cartoon)?

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Poetic Images {2} - An English Love Affair

'Daily Dose' is a feature of Good Golly Miss Holly from amazing Aussie blogger and aspiring photographer Holly. It's basically her way of sharing the fab images she comes across. Now... I know today is not Monday - the traditional day for 'Daily Dose' - but... What the heck? Why not?

See... I'm aware that quite a few of my readers are not British. So I thought maybe you might find English things as interesting as I do. These are not posh pictures. Just me snapping away at things I find interesting. What do you see? 

Airplane tracks...

A house built on mushrooms? *itches head, shrugs, and takes photo anyway* 

A little light...

Tea breaks and amazing fire places...

Monday, 17 October 2011

Friday, 14 October 2011

In the Mail {10} - The House of Six Doors by Patricia Selbert

The House of Six Doors (Publishing by the Sea) is not any debut novel. It not only scored first runner-up for Teen Fiction during the San Francisco Book Festival, but it is also The Eric Hoffer Award winning novel of Caribbean native author Patricia Selbert. 

"Mama takes thirteen-year-old Serena and her sister to the United States in search of fortune, leaving behind family, stability, and the colours of the Caribbean. They drive from Miami to Hollywood, where their money and luck run out, and a 1963 For Galaxie becomes their first American home. Guided by the memory of her native Curaçao and the words of her wise grandmother, Serena confronts challenges and grows up quickly. What gifts will this new country bring, and at what price?" 

Thank you Jeanne and Patricia! I look forward to reading it! 

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Interview ~ An Exclusive with Mercy Series Author - Rebecca Lim

The Mercy books have become one of my favourite series and I have reviewed both Mercy and Exile (read it here).

With Muse, the third book, releasing on October 27th *jumps with excitement* I asked Rebecca Lim for an interview and she was not only up for it, but super nice and chatty. Here is what we got up to:

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Book Giveaway Winner {5}

This has been one of my most popular giveaways so far. So a huge thank you to everyone who took part.

And the winner of the signed copy Stealing Phoenix is...

Catherine J!!!!

Well done you! I will be in touch via email.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Book Reviews over at Waterstones

I am a big fan of Waterstones as a book store so I decided to add some of my reviews to their website. I am pleased to say they were published! You can find a list of them here. ^_^

You can also leave your reviews if you register with them online.However, they are edited and not always make it to the web, hence why I am so chuffed!

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Book Review - Forever by Maggie Stiefvater

Forever (published by Scholastic) is the last book of Stiefvater's The Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy. So my question is: did she close the series with a golden key?

"Grace," I whispered."This isn't how it ends."
"Sam has always loved Grace. As a wolf, he watched her from afar. As a boy, he held her in his arms. Now facing the possibility of a life without her, he will do anything to keep her safe. Even if it means facing his demons. Even if it risks everything he has. Anything, as long as their love can survive..."

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Bookshelves - A Book Lover's Interior Design Story {1}

Now that I am moving house my ever growing pile of books (which was already driving my other half nuts) needs a new home. So I went looking for the perfect solution and here is what I came across: 

Invisible Shelves (link)
They make it look like your books are magically levitating. The problem is... Unless you have lots of them in a really big wall, you won't be able to put a lot of your books away. Nevertheless, they look amazing! And provide an stunning effect to a wall if you need to make it a feature. I reckon it would look quite good above my desk. 

Monday, 3 October 2011

Music Mondays - Go by Delilah

Music is a big part of my life and it's not only a form of writing, but it also inspires me to write. Music Mondays is the part of the blog that celebrates music. Especially, although not always, British artists. I hope you enjoy!

I heard this song on the radio last Wednesday and I have been in love with it ever since.

Delilah is a British singer fresh on the scene and Go is her debut single. I love her voice, lyrics and beat. Soooo sexy! You feel like you are literally melting away.

All her songs are fab so I had a hard time trying to pick one. If you have a little minute also check Breathe and her song with Wretch 32, who featured on last week's Music Monday, Don't be Afraid.

A lot of new British talent coming through recently. That's what we like to see!


Book Giveaway Winner {4}

Wow! So many entries!! It goes without saying that this book is obviously very popular.

Thank you to everyone who took part on the Hush Hush Giveaway (read my review of this book here). If it was up to me, I would give you all a copy. So thank God for my random number generator function on Excel who picked number 14 for me.

And the copy of Hush Hush goes to...


Well done! I will be in touch shortly via email.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Book Giveaway {5} - SIGNED Copy of Stealing Phoenix

Stealing Phoenix is currently one of my favourite series (read my review of it here) and here is your chance to win a signed copy!

All you have to do is to pop your name and email on the form below and hit the SUBMIT button. This giveaway is international and the book is in English. The deadline is Saturday 8th October at midnight (London GMT). The winner will be announced on Sunday.

"The notion that there is a soulmate out there for every person with a paranormal gift is mere myth is Phoenix's world. Phoenix was raised within the Community - a gang of thieves with paranormal powers - under the control of a harsh master known as the Seer. Leaving the Community is unheard of. But when the Seer gives Phoenix details of her next target, Yves Benedict, she soon realises that he is much more than just her next victim. Yves is her destiny. To be with him, she must break away from the Community, but resistance against the Seer puts them both in mortal danger. Phoenix has never trusted anyone before, now it is time to trust Yves with her life." porn movies sex videos hd porno video