
Monday, 12 September 2011

Music Mondays - Hometown Glory by Adele

I know Adele has attracted a lot of attention after her new album - 21, but the song I like the most from her is one of her older ones from her first album - 19.

Hometown Glory was originally Adele's first single, but it was relaunched as the fourth single after the album became well known. The song was written in 10 minutes by Adele herself after her mother tried to convince her to leave her hometown to go to University. I thought this would be rather fitting as I start University today.

I hope you enjoy it!


by Adele

I've been walking in the same way as I did
Missing out the crack in the pavement
And tutting my heel and strutting my feet
"Is there anything I can do for you dear? Is there anyone that I can call?"
No and thank you, please madam.
I ain't lost just wandering.

Round my hometown
Memories are fresh
Round my hometown
Oh, the people I have met
Are the wonders of my world
Are the wonders of my world
Are the wonders of this world
Are the wonders of my world

I like it in the city when the air is so thick and opaque
I love to see everybody in short skirts, shorts and shades.
I like it in the city when two worlds collide
You get the people and the government
Everybody taking different sides

Show that we ain't gonna stop
Shows that we are united
Shows that we ain't gonna take it
Shows that we ain't gonna stop
Shows that we are united.


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