
Friday, 12 August 2011

Nominated for Liebster Blog Award!!!

I have been on the move and a little out of action for a couple of weeks now so only today I managed to have an internet connection strong and long enough to check all the comments in my blog. What a fantastic surprise!

I would like to say 'THANK YOU!' to the lovely Sierra over at Happily Never Ending for nominating me to the Liebster Blog Award!!! Things like this and reader's comments are what make blogging such a fulfilling experience. Thank so much to Sierra for this lovely surprise and to all my readers for sticking with me. ^_^

Sierra has also listed a fab list of bloggers so when you have a moment do go through them, they are way worth checking. I will now work at my list to pick my top 5 and pass the award on. Thank you so much for this fab opportunity!


BE PART OF IT!!! \0/
* I would love to hear your comments.
* I will always reply so pop back to continue the 'convo'. :) porn movies sex videos hd porno video