
Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Book Review - Solid by Shelley Workinger

Solid was one of the books on my read-to-review list. So how did it fare?

The story revolves around a group of teenagers who have just been told they were the victims of a mad scientist using his Army rank as a cover up for experimenting on pregnant soldiers’ wives. Once the news leaks into the press, the Army decides to group the teens in an isolated Summer Camp in order to figure out exactly how the genetic experiment has affected them. This is how and where we meet Clio. Along the way she meets new people and makes new friends including Jack, the boy who wins not only her attention but also her heart. And as it turns out, they all do have some special “abilities”. But there is more. There is something the Army is not telling them.

I really enjoyed this book. Told on Clio’s point of view, Solid is incredibly easy to read and Workinger’s, or should I say Clio’s, wit is really entertaining. The characters are also very engaging and you end up having quite a few soft spots for them.

The prose has a nice flow and the romance and drama unfold slowly.  However, towards the end you just get hit with an avalanche of events and revelations. This is when I felt the end was ever so slightly rushed. Knowing that there is more than one book to this series I was not expecting the who-did-what would come about so easily or that the ever so skilled and trained Army personnel would just spill it all when questioned by a group of teens. 

The other thing that didn’t quite work for me was the parents. Personally, if I found out my daughter was the victim of something like that there would be no chance in hell I would let them take her away from me. I also would not be impressed with not being able to talk to her if I did consent to her going.

Having said all that, the things I wasn’t quite convinced by are not enough to keep me from reading the next episode. Settling, the second book in the Solid series, released on July 4th and it sounds even more intriguing. If anything I want to know what happens to Clio & Jack’s romance and their friends. So watch this space for a review of it.

For more information about the books check the series website by clicking here. Go into the “Giveaway & More” section to buy “Settling” and get “Solid” as a treat! (Offer only valid until the end of July 2011)  You can also read a sneak peek of the second book as well as the prologue of the first. And don't forget to check the playlist for the series which is full of amazing songs (I love Let me Go by 3 Doors Down)! Way worth the visit. If you're feeling chatty, you can check Shelley Workinger’s blog by clicking here or get in touch with her via Twitter: @SWorkinger or over at Facebook.

OUT OF CURIOSITY: Workinger is the daughter of a soldier herself.

Book Rating: ***
To check the rating system click here.


  1. Wow, this book does sound good. I love a good book with science fiction in it. I am a biology major and when I saw you were reading this the cover itself intreged me. Def going on my TBR list.

  2. Thank you Laura. It's a fab book. They have a really good promo on it till the end of July as well. Way worth checking.


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