
Saturday, 2 July 2011

Book Bonanza {5} - Wicked Lovely Graphic Novel by Melissa Marr

This week's Book Bonanza is something a little different.

I was never into comics or graphic art, but when my favourite books became graphic novels a whole world was open to me. I am not an expert in any shape or form and I probably will not be able to tell you much about the art itself, but I enjoy seeing pictures of the films I have played in my head while reading an amazing story.

"Wicked Lovely" by Melissa Marr is one of my favourite book series (read my review of it here). It tells the story of Ash, a normal girl who gets chosen by Keenan - the Faery Summer King - to be his queen. Unfortunately for Keenan, Ash is already in love with someone else: Seth Morgan - my big, no, huge book crush *day dreams*.  As things develop Ash is dragged further and further into the world of Faeries and its politics where words can become deadly ties.

"Wicked Lovely Desert Tales", the graphic novel, is a spin of this series (someone with a little knowledge in graphic art might want to know the drawings in this novel are by Xian Nu Studio). It tells the story of Rika, one of the last mortals Keenan had chosen as a queen, who now lives in a desert to stay as far away from him as possible. And there is someone new in the picture... Here is a little taster for you:

"The desert is far away from the schemes of the Faerie Courts - and that's how Rika likes it. Once a mortal and now a faery, Rika seeks isolation and revels in her ability to appear invisible to humans. Then she meets HIM. Artistic and kind, Jayce is the last person Rika wants to hide from. But change is coming, challenging Rika's freedom and her new romance, as her past pursues her, even into the heart of the desert... Discover Melissa Marr's mesmerizing world of Faerie."

All you have to do to win a copy of this amazing graphic novel is to fill the form below and don't forget to press the SUBMIT button at the end to enter. Put your name down and get winning!


  1. Uhul, já estou participando <3 Parece uma delícia de ler *-* Beijos!

  2. Thank you for the chance to win "Wicked Lovely Desert Tales"!

    Cherry Mischievous

  3. I'm new here and I really like your blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. No, thank you Cherry and Diana for taking part in the competition and reading the blog!! You guys made my day!


BE PART OF IT!!! \0/
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