A friend of mine asked me what could she give a book lover without spending a fortune and if she doesn't want to give them books or vouchers for them. Well... What about these?

Book Journals... I actually have one of these myself and I find them really helpful when I am reading a book and want to take notes as I go. There is usually a section to write down the books you are waiting for or want to buy, which is quite handy. You can buy an
unisex journal like the one on the right for as little as £6.50. This particular one comes with a book marker. If you want something a little more feminine... This little
Cherry Blossom journal might just do it and it will only cost you £9.99.

If they are always going on about how gorgeous the cover of a certain book is or how the dust jacket is what spikes their curiosity about a story... Why not let them explore that passion by giving them a
Book Frame? You can buy it for £9.60 and, let's agree, some cover arts are seriously interesting.

Are they into gadgets? Check this
iPhone 4 Cover in the pattern of a bookshelf! I love it. I want it! Might need to get the phone first, though. :-? Fortunately the cover is a lot cheaper than the phone: £10.07.

If they are Brits... You cannot read a good book without a good cuppa. By that I mean a good cup of tea or brew as we call it up North. And I just love this little "
Book Geek" mug. It's yours for £11.

Someone who is quite cool and stylish? No problem. Try these
Falling bookends. They are sure to make your friend's shelves look quite cool themselves. And at £15.95, the are simple, straight forward and easy on the eye while remaining interesting and effective.

Want to bring it up a notch? If your book loving friend happens to also be a Pandora loving girl... Why not give her a Moments charm with books on it? There are also some different alternatives and online stores like Etsy are full of cool and different designs like this one by
Charmish for U$ 35. Just mind the importing taxes in the UK when buying anything from abroad. If items are above £40 in value you will need to pay import duty.

While we are talking about jewellery... Don't forget to check
Vivi Hebel's collection, especially if you are a Cassandra Clare fan. Vivi has designed a whole range of jewellery inspired by Clare's books (
read an article about it here) and this particular necklace is just divine! It's based on a part of 'Clockwork Angel' where Tessa, the main character, quotes: "You must be careful of books for words have the power to change us." Gorgeous! Not to mention quirky and unique.
My absolute favourite, though, is unfortunately not for sale anywhere. Brazilian artist
Natalia Plentz designed this gorgeous set of book markers made of felt. Each is individually tailor for a particular genre of books. If everything else fails... Give the book lover a series of book markers you bought somewhere special or with a design that will mean something to them, for example, if they love Paris, give them book marks you bought in France or make them one! One of my favourite page holders is the one my daughter made for me at school.
So there you have it! A gift doesn't have to be expensive. It just has to mean something or be useful to the person you are giving it to.