
Sunday, 15 May 2011

Sequels I Cannot Wait to Read

You know when you start reading a series and get so absorbed in it that you would sell one of your kidneys to know what happens next? (Yeah alright, it is a gross exaggeration, but you get my point) These are the culprits I blame for my addiction:

City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare - My copy is actually staring at me as I write this and my hands are itching. CoFA (as we call it) is the fourth book of The Mortal Instruments series. There is a little too much to explain but, in short, Clary, her love interest - Jace - and their friends are demon hunters; also known as Shadow Hunters. The events in this book take place a few weeks after the events on the third book, City of Glass, where they just about managed not to be killed. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for us, the drama is not over.

Exile by Rebecca Lim is the sequel to "Mercy", the first book of a series by the same name. Mercy has a strange gift: she wakes up on the body of a stranger and cannot remember where she was last or even what she looks like.  A few things were left unexplained on the first book so I am looking forward to some clarity as well as finding out if she will remember the human boy who won her heart on her last life. Exile is out in June.

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater is the final installment of The Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy. In the first book Grace met wolf-boy Sam; on the second book they were torn apart and there is something more sinister lurking under the surface. We also met Cole. (Ah! Cole... *day dreams* I think I have developed a serious book crush) The third book is out in July and as the story reaches a resolution my question is: would that be a good or bad one? Stiefvater has said the tears on the book cover could be the tears of her fans. My nails are bitten down to the quick.

Stealing Phoenix by British author Joss Stirling is the sequel to "Finding Sky" (read my review here). When her parents accept an offer to work in the U.S. Sky discovers some really interesting things about herself and Zed, the boy she met at her new college. Apparently, they both possess some very unique talents and an unbreakable bond. That is... Apart from the fact that they don't actually get on! Unfortunately for Sky, discovering more about her talents means unlocking the past she run away from. While on the first book you are introduce to the Bennedict Brothers and Zed in particular, on the second you get to find out more about another talented Bennedict - Yves - and his Soulfinder. Out in September.

That is when I say: "Man! Having to wait an year to read what happens next is a little like torture!" So lets start the group therapy! What books can you not wait to read this year?

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