
Saturday, 14 May 2011

Cassandra Clare Spoils Fans with "Because It's Bitter" and "Kissed" Excerpts

Cassandra Clare has been spoiling her fans and we love it!!!

First it was the launch of "City of Fallen Angels", her most recent book and fourth on The Mortal Instruments saga - we had everything from book trailer to posters and play lists (click here for more). Then there was Jace's famous letter to Clary  in "City of Glass" (click here to read it) and now... She has released a couple of excerpts from "City of Ashes" and "City of Bones":

1. "Because It's Bitter" is my favourite scene of all The Mortal Instrument books from Jace's point of view. It's his version of the Seelie Court kiss and I love it! Click here to read it.

2. "Kissed" is part of "City of Bones" and it is very insightful as to how Magnus and Alec's releationship started. It is also quite interesting as most of this romance happens off page and it is not until "City of Glass" that you actually see them as a couple. I must warn you, just in case, that Alec and Magnus' is a gay relationship so if you do not like this kind of thing, it is better left unread. Personatly, even though I would not get out of my way to read anything LGB, I think Cassie's writing is as beautiful as ever and the only thing that is different is the fact that the scene happens in between two boys. She is also very candid to the issue of coming out as being gay, as that is Alec's difficulty. Definitely worth it. Click here to read the entire scene.

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