
Wednesday, 23 March 2011

City of Bones Graphic Novel, Babi Dewet & Me

My new article for Brazilian writer Babi Dewet is up and running! (Click here to read it). You can also read all the other articles I have written for this black-belt blogger by clicking here.

It has been a busy month for The Mortal Instrument (TMI) fans! So far we have seen the release of the first City of Fallen Angel's (TMI #4) book trailer (click here to watch it) as well as video footage of its famous DSAS - Dirty Sexy Alley Scene (click here to watch it), not to mention all the commotion over who will be cast to play Jace Wayland on the upcoming movie version of City of Bones (TMI #1). To top it all off, yesterday, almost as if reading my mind when I wrote the article for Babi Dewet, the author of the books - Cassandra Clare - has released the cover for the first issue of the City of Bones graphic novel.

Here is what Cassandra had to say about the progress of this adaptation:
"Issue 1 is lettered (waiting on tweaks from letterer now and then you'll see it). It is also almost done being coloured and issue 2 is underway. Issue 4 is being adapted and by next week the artist will be halfway through the art on issue 3. Still aiming for winter publication."

Personally, I think Nik Virella, the artist behind the drawings, has done an excellent job. And you?

1 comment:

  1. EtCoetra Mar 22, 10:31pm via Web
    @PaulaSHx Adorei a coluna! Parabéns *-*


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