
Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Win a copy of Pittacus Lore's I'm Number Four & Melissa Marr's Desert Tales

Over the weekend the blog reached its first milestone: It is a month old!

No, don't worry. I will NOT be celebrating every month. I am easily entertained, but I am not that sad!

Anyway... To say thank you for all the comments, feedback and follows, I have a little treat for you. Leave your feedback by clicking the comments link below this entry and at 12:00 Noon GMT on Saturday 26th February 11 I will be giving one lucky winner a copy of I'm Number Four by Pittacus Lore (check my review of this book by clicking here) and a copy of  Melissa Marr's graphic novel Wicked Lovely - Desert Tales.

I'm Number Four is releasing as a movie in UK cinemas on Wednesday 23rd February and Wicked Lovely is one of my favourite series, its latest book - Darkest Mercy - is being released in early March. So don't miss out!

Good luck!


  1. já ouvi falar muiiiiiito bem desse livro! Morro de vontade de ler, espero que eu seja a sortuda amanhã! lol parabéns pelo blog e pela iniciativa!

  2. Wow, I really want this book. But will you send the book to Brazil? isn't the freight expensive? :O or only people on england can participate? Anyway i really want the book :D

  3. I'm more than happy to send the book to wherever in the world he winner is as long as they're happy to read it in English!:-)

    Eu estou mais do que feliz de mandar os livros para onde quer que o ganhador(a) more, desde que ele/ ela esteja feliz de ler os livros em Ingles! :-)



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